BESSI 99-851

Meet Our Icelandic Sheep - AI Sire Descriptions


Points 2000: 8 - 8 - 9 - 8,5 - 9 - 17,5 - 8 - 8 - 8 = 84,0 points

Ultrasound 2000: Eye muscle thickness 33 mm, back fat thickness 3 mm, eye muscle shape 4 (H)

Description: Bessi is white, horned with good curving. The head is not broad. Shoulders are broad with good muscling. The chest is wide and conformation excellent. The back is muscled and broad. Loins are very muscular and gigots are excellently shaped, the muscle thick and deep. Feets are strong and well placed. Bessi has average body length and is a vigorous looking sire.

Wool EE: Tan on feets, black stripes in horns. No tan or black fibers in the fleece. Average quantity, fine thog, even and curled but a bit shorter on back. The fleece is very white and lustrous.

Results: Bessi was absolutely the best lamb sire evaluated in South Iceland in the autumn 1999. Bessi was progeny tested by SOUTHRAM in 2000 and he was superior compared to the other sires in the test. In male lamb comparison he scored 115 points for meat qualities, 131 points for lambs or 122 points in total score. He carries on weight, excellent carcass grading and leanness.

Bessi confirmed his excellent qualities in lamb evaluations this autumn by carrying on superb eye muscle thickness and muscle shape, leanness, great gigot muscling and excellent carcass grading.


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