Meet Our Icelandic Sheep - AI Sire Descriptions

KveikurKveikur is horned and white. Good looking head with good horn curving. Broad and thick neck. Good shoulder muscling. Very wide chest. Well muscled back and esepecially broad, muscled and rounded rump . Superb leg muscling. Very good looking ram with good temperament.  Kveikur is a grandson of AI ram Eldur.
Tan on head, feets and tail but very few tan fibers in the fleece. Even fleece, medium wool quantity and medium fine thog.

Kveikur was bought after good results in progeny test at Hestur exp. farm. He carries on superb meat qualities, leanness, eye muscle depth and leg muscling. His progenies are also mature with good carcass grading.
Kveikur's daughters are prolific with excellent milking abilities.

Colour inheritance: Heterozygous white, carrying black but neither moorit or spotted.


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